What is tequila? It’s an agave-based spirit that has been inspiring artists and delighting connoisseurs for centuries. It’s more than an alcoholic beverage, it’s a way of life that empowers all who consume it with a courageous soul and a relaxed mind. 

Made from what

All tequila comes from agave, a plant that thrives in arid regions like Mexico. While other spirits like Scotch are made from malted barley, tequila is crafted from pure agave. 

There is something sacred about agave. This humble desert plant contains the power to strip us of our inhibitions and let our minds run as free as Spanish horses. Each sip of premium tequila brings you closer to yourself and the world around you.   

How it is made

Tequila is made by harvesting agave plants and processing them to create the glorious spirit that is tequila. 


There are 6 major steps involved in the process used to make tequila. 

The first step in this process is to harvest agaves. The harvesters are commonly referred to as Jimadors. The Jimadors honour the tradition of harvesting agaves by cleaving off the leaves to find the piña. 

The piña is the heart of the agave plant which makes it the heart and soul of tequila itself. 

This heart contains all of the fermentable sugars that make tequila production possible. Once the piñas have been harvested, they are cooked, so that the sugars can be extracted in the form of aguamiel. Once the aguamiel is collected it will be fermented and distilled. 

Finally, it’s bottled or aged to perfection depending on the producer’s preferences. Making tequila is an arduous process that requires a lot of work. 

The result? The nectar of the gods.   

How long has it been made for?

Tequila was the first distilled spirit in North America which makes it a historic spirit. Before anyone ever attempted to produce whiskey, bourbon, or even vodka in North America, there was tequila. 

Increasing popularity trends of tequila

The popularity of tequila has been growing rapidly due to a number of celebrity references and endorsements. from George Clooney to Lil Jon and dozens of celebrities in between have done much to popularize this magical spirit. 

Tequila’s inclusion in pop culture has given it tremendously powerful momentum that is as strong as the drink itself. 

Where does it come from to be able to legally be called Tequila

Virtually all of the tequila in the world flows from the arid sands of Jalisco, Mexico. Mexican law makes it difficult to produce tequila outside of the states of Jalisco, Tamaulipas, Nayarit, Michoacán, and Guanajuato.

The story of tequila is inextricably intertwined with the history of the Mexican people. The history of Mexico is as rich and flavourful as the tequila that it’s so well known for. It’s a history of conquistadors, mysterious civilizations, and indomitable spirits.  

Tequila is Mexico’s gift to the world. Of course, that gift comes at a price, but when you shop at Premium Tequila, you’ll find that the price is quite reasonable indeed.

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